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Why did I receive a notice in the mail?

If you received a “Community Meeting Notification” in the mail it means that a property near you is planning to submit an application to the Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department for a rezoning, subdivision, conditional use, special land us permit, institutional master plan, major site plan review, or a public facility site selection. The notice you received should indicate which of these actions the applicant is requesting.

​Community Meeting Presentations

Per the Title 21, Land Use Planning, of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances (Title 21) one of the first steps before an application for a development action can even be submitted, a Community Meeting needs to be held. Preferably, this meeting should be at a regularly held community council meeting for the project area’s community council. 

Where can I find more information?

  • For more information about the project you received a notice for, you can attend the meeting stated on the notice. A presenter will explain what is being applied for, provide visuals, and answer questions from the community. 

  • If you have further questions about municipal procedures or regulations you can contact the municipal Planning Department at (907) 343-7943 or go to their website.

  • You can also look up codes and regulations in Title 21 yourself. You can view PDF copies here.

What happens after the community meeting?

  • After the community meeting a meeting summary report is written up and submitted to the Planning Department. Once all other information required for the application is compiled, the application can be submitted. This is when a Case number will be assigned. 

  • The case will then be scheduled to be heard at a public hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission, Urban Design Commission, Platting Board, or Zoning Board of Examiners and Appeals depending on the type of case.

  • In some cases, such as rezoning, the case is then scheduled to be heard at a Regular Assembly Public Hearing.

How do I make my concerns known?

  • During the community meeting all community questions and comments regarding the project are recorded and submitted with the application. 

  • Community members can attend and testify at any public hearing in regards to the case. 

  • You can submit comments to open cases online or directly through the MOA Planning Department.

  • You can also visit the MOA’s Public Participation page for more information.


  • Applications can be a long process taking 6 months to multiple years depending on the case. 

Why did my neighbor get a notice and I didn’t?

  • Notices are sent to a list of addresses provided by the Planning Department and generally include addresses within 500 feet from the project location. Your property may sit just outside of this 500 foot distance.

Overview of Links Provided

Planning Department Contact Page

Public Participation Page

Title 21, Land Use Planning PDFs

Planning Application Lookup

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